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                                Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability



KEY challenges


The UN 2030 Agenda  and the SDGs constitute a call for actions by all countries to promote prosperity with sustainable livelihoods and social justice while protecting the planet. Whereas progress has been recorded on the implementation of the SDGs across many countries, for most goals, the pace of progress has been insufficient and substantial acceleration is needed. This situation is attributable partly to ineffective governance such as lack of political will to transform development programmes into sustainable long-term practices and failing to ensure that global and national agendas are firmly translated to fit local contexts.


While acknowledging diverse challenges in respective RCE contexts, the overarching challenge is the need to rethink what, where and how we learn to develop the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that enable us all to make informed decisions and take individual and collective actions on local, national and global urgencies. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic presents an enormous challenge and the UN 2030 Agenda and the SDGs provide an internationally agreed roadmap for recovery. Despite the RCE's unique and important roles in creating sustaibable solutions through regional and local multi-stakeholder partnership on ESD, RCEs currently are not yet duly recognized by many local and national government authorities.



Strategic Priority Are


Strategy 1: Serving as local and regional hubs for ESD, showing leadership to pioneer, practice and advocate for knowledge and innovative approaches


Strategy 2: Strenghthening the association of RCE activities with key local, national and global policies and frameworks related to SDGs ans ESD


Strategy 3: Expanding knowledge sharing and outreach among RCEs, external communities and relevant stakeholders, including by leveraging innovative technologies and modalities


Strategy 4: Monitoring the progress of achievements of RCEs and promote them in local, national and international platforms and processes



These strategic priority areas are in alignment and aim to create synergy with the strategic objectives of UNU-IAS and its thematic programme of Innovation and Education as well as other related programmes.



RCE Brittany Article concerning the topic : The role of the Human Dimension in promoting ESD at the Regional Level


"The interaction of Humanism values and Holism values as a necessary driving force of ESD at the regional level":

Username: flaveuve

and also:



Key Partners


  • UNIVERSITE DE BRETAGNE Sud (UBS) – Vannes, Morbihan, France

    Laboratory of Mathematics, Atlantic Brittany (LMBA), CNRS, UMR 6205

    Role : Education and Research, involved in ESD and SDGs

    Contact name : Salim LARDJANE

    Contact e-mail :


    Role : Solar type architecture houses, respectful of ESD and SDGs

    Contact name : Jean-Pierre RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, Foundator

    Contact email :


    Role : fight against climate change taking SDGs into account

    Contact name : Dominique PIRIO, president

    Contact email : dominique.pirio@la


    Role : Fight for the respect of economic, social and cultural rights all over the world

    Contact name : Edith de GELIS, president

    Contact email :


    Role : Perma culture, Perma Forestry, Agro-forestry, micro forests

    Contact name : Maxim GRELIER, Foundator

    Contact email :


     Role : direct help in ESD and SDGs in Sub Saharian African countries

     Contact name :Christian LE MOING

     Contact e-mail :





Participation to :


- UNESCO’s ESD-Net 2030 Launch webinar, (Oct 4, 2022)- 


- UNESCO's  ESD-Net 2030: Learning Webinar on ESD Pedagogy » (March 30, 2023)


- 2023  ECOSOC Youth Forum, titled "From Ideas to Action: RCE Youth Projects on Multistakeholder Partnerships." (RCE Global Service Centre)

(April 25, 2023) 


- Delphi Survey DG EAC future of school education until 2040, launched at the request of the European Commission, DG EAC.

5 « rounds » : Mars 2023 – April 2023


– Delphi Survey : Participation to the forum of discussion :« Scenario space setting FG_DG EAC future of school education until 2040 »

(May 10, 2023)


-  UNESCO ESD – Net 2030 « Climate Change and the Right to Education » (May 17, 2023) (side event of the 79th Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP; 15–19 May 2023).




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